Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tourist Brochure

The next project is creating a tourist brochure. Students choose their tourist destination and they research about it on the Internet. In class students do different texts related to the project in order to build up the vocabulary and get familiar with the structure of writing descriptive texts. Drafts are checkd by the teacher and then narrowed down so students can start creating tourist brochures using the Power Point Presentation. The final task will be embedding the PPPs into the class and/or students' blogs. Enjoy the project!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Study Timetable

This is a little project to create your own Study Timetable. In class students have done Study Habits Questionnaire and other relevant activities such as interviewing classmates to find out about their study preferrences and habits. This is a word document, where students have used tables, to be embedded in their own blogs.

Thursday, February 24, 2011



Dear students,

Welcome to the Friday Class Blog. This is a way for us to communicate beyond the classroom and to ineract with your teacher and your classmates. I hope you will enjoy that and all the activities and resources that I will provide in this blog so you can practise English in the classroom and in your own time and at your own pace. Have fun!